
3am thoughts
3am thoughts

3am thoughts

You think people won’t understand your thoughts and feelings. When someone asks you what’s wrong? You end up saying, no, you won’t understand. It’s hard to do something for anyone, even when you try really hard nothing seems to be enough for anyone, not even for yourself. Is there anything that you’re particularly good at that people tell you that you should do professionally, or do more of? What do other people say you’re good at: Be careful of going in a direction just because others think you should, it’s a good idea to pay attention to the way others compliment you.


When you are inspired and connected to yourself happiness finds a wonderful path to reach till you and flood your heart plus soul with positive vibes. Ask yourself what you love and why do you love that particular thing? Start taking little steps towards whatever you love. Listen to your heart: Forget what your brain has to say for a while and concentrate more over your heart because the heart is basically your best tool to access your true purpose and passion.Because the answer will show up, in perfect time. Keep asking the question, and keep your eyes open for clues that will come your way. What is the one thing you want to experience, or do, before you die: What is that thing, for you? Don’t worry if you don’t have an answer yet.Set a goal, and start taking tiny steps towards your goal, it might be difficult at the beginning but trust me, you’ll prevail. Concentrate on yourself: Don’t over think it.Here are a few tips to find out your purpose to live. Therefore, try to figure it out, when life gives you hints. Why? Because, there’s a purpose to live, maybe you don’t know your purpose to live, but let me tell you that everyone in this world has a purpose to live. Despite all this, you will still get up the next day outta your bed. Do you ever think at night that tonight I’ll write a suicide note, only in the head? And then, you wish you were already dead. Meanwhile, then there’s you, sitting absolutely quiet or you’re half way through laughing and you suddenly stop. Depression doesn’t always hit you at 3am, it could even hit you at 3pm, when you’re sitting with friends/family, and they’re busy talking and laughing, in other words having fun. You aren’t the only one suffering from this phase of life. Do you ever feel like giving up on your life? Or when you’re going to sleep and you don’t want to wake up, ever again? Do you ever feel like you’re worthless, and a burden on everyone? Do you cry yourself to sleep? Do you feel terrified of being alone, considering that you will never be good enough for someone? Do you hate yourself? This is an early stage of depression and the cause of depression could be anything it could be because of your terrible past, heartbreak or family issues, etc. Do you stay awake till 3am almost every day or encounter sleepless nights? Is it because of insomnia or anxiety? No, I don’t think so.

3am thoughts